Be Response-able – and Step on It!
Do you want to clearly know what’s true for you? What the best decisions are for you to take? Do you want to live in alignment with who you really are? To feel free, powerful and expressing your full creative self? If so, then you want to be response-able, to have the ability to respond to life, to actively TAKE responsibility.
Responsibility is not something anyone can push on you, it is something you claim for yourself – or renounce. Responsibility is NOT: Passivity, control, blame, guilt, being a martyr.
Why would you be eager to stand up and take responsibility? (Again, not take the blame) Well, according to Gay and Katie Hendricks responsibility means self-authorship (directing your own life), creative empowerment and conscious action (not unconscious reaction). Their Foundation for Conscious Living Web site, puts forth these benefits for the response-able:
- Radical self-trust.
- Expansive, thriving freedom.
- Victim mentality begone!
- Boundless, magical creativity.
If these benefits are of interest to you, here are suggestions to ease the way to being nimble in your ability to respond.
- Choose out of blaming anyone – including yourself.
- Commit (actively) to taking responsibility for the situation, your life and at least, what you can do now and going forward.
- Get curious and open about what you can learn here – maybe this is familiar.
- Always add full breathing and gentle movement in your body.
- Cultivate that radical (at the root) self-trust, knowing this is where your spark is.
- Watch and use my video, Step On It.
- Join us at this June workshop I’m co-facilitating: Quantum Leaping
I created the Step On It process nearly a decade ago and based on my experience, and feedback over many years from others, using this process assists in radically increasing self-trust and intuitive knowing.
That’s why, in addition to YouTube, you will also find this video under Responsibility in Action in the Responsibility section of the Foundation for Conscious Living Web site.
Use it, expand your intuitive knowing and trust yourself – radically. Oh, and the most response-able people I know are also the most joyous people I know. Who knew?!
It’s all improv,
Jody Kaylor
Related Resources:
“Self-realization is the sweetest thing. It shows us that we’re fully responsible for ourselves.” – Byron Katie
Check out my interview with Michael Neeley of the Consciously Speaking iTunes podcast: JK Interview