S p a c e. A h h h h …
In my last newsletter, I stated “I sink back into the current of where I am flowing.” and would like to expand on that concept here. I love using two meanings for the word current, one of which is similar to complete or up-to-date, something many of us strive to be – especially before a holiday, vacation or year’s end. We want to complete projects, declutter the house and get through our physical and electronic inboxes. That’s the use of current in the realm of form.
There is also the flow of current, as with a river or the now of life. Getting current in my life tangibly intertwines the two. If I can’t find anything, I slow my flow. When I come upon an item of clothing that I forgot I had, I know that weeding out makes better use of what I have.
My attention in recent weeks has turned toward a ruthless review of what’s current and what isn’t. Get current with the content and flow of your life and you may find that this makes you more available for life’s flow of now without the drag of whatever isn’t…current. I also notice that many around me are doing the same thing!
This week I told one such friend to imagine being up to his waist in ping pong balls and most of them are white but you are looking for the blue one and the purple one. Now get rid of all the ones that you don’t need or want, broken ones, ones kept out of guilt, indifference etc. and then see how much easier it is to access the ones you really want. As with panning for gold, all that isn’t gold must fall away for you to see it with ease.
There are many great books on getting complete, organized/your space as you want it and I suggest a few* but here are some personal tips. Somehow convey to all of your possessions that they are up for review and only those items you love and cherish will stay. Keep current with being current so you don’t have to wait a week for your trash or recycling to be picked up to be able to continue releasing. Be willing to pass things on (someone will love them) so as to live with what you have consciously chosen. How you’ve always felt about something may have changed – try on those clothes and inquire within to see if that vase belongs where you are headed in your life, especially if it’s to the personalized sanctuary you wish to create.
It’s all improv,
Jody Kaylor
*Getting Things Done by David Allen